USE [ChiefMESNew]
GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[st_MES_MonitorMachine] Script Date: 05/15/2015 17:18:49 ******/
creator: Wuchun create date: 2012.12.17Module Code: 100001Remark: 按车间显示机器监视//增加试模工单显示 by Wuchun on 2014/03/17//增加停机刷卡表,提高性能 on 2014/04/10//试模不显示未刷卡停机,显示试模中断//良品数=生产数加上调机时的生产数再减去巡机数 2014.7.22 hz//添加返回判断维修结果RepairStatus 2014.8.5 hz//机台根据工作中心查询,把left join 修改为inner join 2015-5-12 hzexec st_MES_MonitorMachine '','','','', 'zh_cn',100,1
**************/ALTER proc [dbo].[st_MES_MonitorMachine] ( @in_StaCode varchar(20) = '', @in_WsCode varchar(20) = '', --车间代码 @in_MachineState varchar(10) = '', --机器状态 @in_MachineNo varchar(20) = '', --机器编号 @in_Lan varchar(10) = 'zh_cn', --多语言 @in_pagesize smallint = -1, @in_page smallint = 1, @out_total_rows int = 1 output)asbeginif object_ID('tempdb..#tempTable') is not null drop table #tempTable
set nocount onCREATE TABLE #tempTable( RowSeq int identity(1,1), MachineNo varchar(50), DeviceStatus varchar(20), WSCode varchar(20), MO varchar(20), DispatchNO varchar(50), DispatchPrior float, LiveCycle decimal(18,2), GoodQty int, BadQty int, ClientIP varchar(20), BeginCycle datetime, StopReason varchar(100), StopTime varchar(1000), MouldNO varchar(50), ItemNO varchar(50), MES_COMQuality int default(0), CardEmployee varchar(50), StopBegin datetime, RepairStatus int)DECLARE @MachineNO varchar(50),@WsCode varchar(20),@IPAddr varchar(20),@EndCycle char(22),@DispatchNO varchar(50), @MO varchar(50), @DispatchPrior float, @MouldNO varchar(50), @Cycle decimal(18,2), @StandCycle decimal(18,2), @MinInjectionCycle decimal(18,2), @MaxInjectionCycle decimal(18,2), @BeginCycle char(19), @ItemNO varchar(50), @ReasonName varchar(50), @Unknown varchar(2000), @AbNormalProduct varchar(2000),@NotStarted varchar(2000), @RegularProduct varchar(2000), @StopTime int, @StopTime1 int,@CardEmployee varchar(50), @StopBegin datetimedeclare @txt_NOOrder varchar(200), @txt_BrokenNetWork varchar(200), @txt_SM varchar(200), @MOType int,@proQty int, @DispatchStatus int if (@in_Lan = 'zh_cn') set @in_Lan = 'zh_cn'select @AbNormalProduct=case @in_Lan
when 'zh_cn' then Lan_CN when 'en' then Lan_EN else '' end from Sys_Languagewhere keyname='txt_AbNormalProduct'select @NotStarted = case @in_Lan
when 'zh_cn' then Lan_Cn when 'en' then Lan_En else '' end from Sys_Language where keyname='txt_NotStarted'select @RegularProduct=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then Lan_Cn when 'en' then Lan_En else '' end from Sys_Language where keyname='txtRegularProduct'select @Unknown=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then Lan_Cn when 'en' then Lan_En else '' end from Sys_Language where keyname='txt_Unknown' --未刷卡停机select @txt_NOOrder=case @in_Lan
when 'zh_cn' then Lan_Cn when 'en' then Lan_En else '' end from Sys_Language where keyname='txt_NOOrder'select @txt_BrokenNetWork=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then Lan_Cn when 'en' then Lan_En else '' end
from Sys_Language where keyname='txt_BrokenNetWork'select @txt_SM=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then Lan_CN when 'en' then Lan_EN else '' end
from Sys_Language where keyname='txt_MonitorSM' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------获取停机卡select * into #t_StopCardDetail from V_CardDetail a WHERE a.Flag = 1 and a.EndDate is null declare @Normal_Count int , @abNormal_Count int, @Stop_Count int, @NoOrder_count int, @NONetWork_Count intdeclare @MaxUploadDate datetime , @MES_COMQuality int, @txt_Unknow varchar(200)declare @TotalNum int, @UploadTime datetime, @lastMociEndCycle datetime, @LastMociTotalnum int
--Black 未开机 --Normal 正常insert into #tempTable(MachineNO, DeviceStatus, WSCode, MO, DispatchNO , DispatchPrior, LiveCycle, GoodQty, BadQty, ClientIP, BeginCycle, StopReason, MES_COMQuality,StopTime,StopBegin,RepairStatus)select mm.MachineNO, case when isnull(datediff(minute, mm.COMTime, getdate()),2)>1 then 'NONetWork' else 'Stop' end, mm.WsCode, '', '', 0.00, 0.00, 0, 0, ci.IPAddr, null, case when isnull(datediff(minute, mm.COMTime, getdate()),2)>1 then @txt_BrokenNetWork else @Unknown end, case when isnull(datediff(minute, mm.COMTime, getdate()),2)>1 then 0 else isnull(mm.MES_COMQuality,0) end, '', case when isnull(datediff(minute, mm.COMTime, getdate()),2)>1 then mm.COMTime else null end, mm.RepairStatus FROM MES_Machine mm inner join dbo.FN_GetStaCode(@In_StaCode) ws on mm.StaCode = ws.StaCode left join MES_Communication ci on ci.MachineNo=mm.MachineNo where --(@in_StaCode = '' or ws.StaCode = @In_StaCode) and (@in_MachineNO = '' or mm.MachineNO = @in_MachineNO) order by ci.IPAddr desc --mm.MachineNO ascDECLARE @Today char(10)
SET @Today=convert(char(10),getdate(),120)IF EXISTS(select CURSOR_NAME from MASTER.dbo.syscursors where cursor_name='cursor_outer')BEGIN DEALLOCATE cursor_outerEND DECLARE cursor_outer CURSOR FOR select distinct m.clientIP, MES_COMQuality from #tempTable m --where MES_COMQuality > 0 --where convert(char(10), m.endcycle,120)=@Today OPEN cursor_outerFETCH next FROM cursor_outer INTO @IPAddr,@MES_COMQuality --@DispatchOrder,@IPAddr,@EndCyclewhile @@fetch_status=0BEGIN select @ReasonName='',@MO='', @DispatchNO='',@CardEmployee = '', @StopBegin = nullselect top 1 @MO = MO,
@DispatchNO = DispatchNO, @DispatchPrior = DispatchPrior, @EndCycle=EndCycle, @Cycle=isnull(CycleTime,0.00) , @BeginCycle = convert(char(19),EndCycle,121) , @Totalnum = Totalnum from MES_DataMain where clientip = @IPAddr and convert(char(10),endcycle,120)<=@Today order by EndCycle desc --最后结束时间 ,生产周期--select top 1 @StandCycle=isnull(StandCycle,0.00),@proQty=prodqty, @ItemNO=ItemNO,
--良品数=生产数加上调机时的生产数再减去巡机数 2014.7.22 hz select top 1 @StandCycle=isnull(StandCycle,0.00), @proQty=prodqty+dbo.FN_GetAdjustMachineQty(Mo,DispatchNo,ItemNO,DispatchPrior, '', '','',ProcCode)- dbo.FN_GetPatrolMachineOrPolishQty(MO,DispatchNo,ItemNO,ProcCode,DispatchPrior,'', '',1), @ItemNO=ItemNO, @MinInjectionCycle=ISNULL(MinCycle,0.00), @MaxInjectionCycle=ISNULL(MaxCycle,0.00), @MouldNO = MouldNO, @MOType = isnull(MOType,1), @DispatchStatus = DispatchStatus from MES_Dispatchorder where MO = @MO and DispatchNO = @DispatchNO and DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior order by ID set @txt_Unknow = @Unknown --最后一个单子不是主单则重新获取主单信息 if(@DispatchStatus <> 1) begin select @MachineNO = machineno from MES_Communication where IPAddr = @IPAddr --select top 1 @StandCycle=isnull(StandCycle,0.00),@proQty=prodqty, @ItemNO=ItemNO, --良品数=生产数加上调机时的生产数再减去巡机数 2014.7.22 hz select top 1 @StandCycle=isnull(StandCycle,0.00), @proQty=prodqty+dbo.FN_GetAdjustMachineQty(Mo,DispatchNo,ItemNO,DispatchPrior, '', '','',ProcCode)- dbo.FN_GetPatrolMachineOrPolishQty(MO,DispatchNo,ItemNO,ProcCode,DispatchPrior,'', '',1), @ItemNO=ItemNO, @MinInjectionCycle=ISNULL(MinCycle,0.00), @MaxInjectionCycle=ISNULL(MaxCycle,0.00), @MouldNO = MouldNO, @MOType = isnull(MOType,1), @DispatchStatus = DispatchStatus from MES_Dispatchorder where MachineNO = @MachineNO and DispatchStatus = 1 order by ID end if (@MOType = 2) set @txt_Unknow = @txt_SM ---连接中断也显示派工单信息 if @MES_COMQuality = 0 begin update #tempTable set MO = @MO,DispatchNo = @DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior where ClientIP=@IPAddr FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_outer INTO @IPAddr, @MES_COMQuality continue end if @DispatchNO not like 'TMP%' and @DispatchNO <> '' begin --------派工单号为??????号时 ---注塑车间改为固定的100秒 if exists(select top 1 clientIP from MES_DataMain a join MES_Machine b on a.MachineNo = b.MachineNO left join MES_Process p on a.ProcCode = p.ProcCode where datediff(second,case when abs(datediff(year,a.EndCycle,GETDATE()))>1 then GETDATE() else a.EndCycle end,getdate())> case when isnull(@StandCycle,1)*3<90 then 90 else isnull(@StandCycle,1)*3 end and a.MO = @MO and a.DispatchNO =@DispatchNO and a.DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior and a.clientIP=@IPAddr order by a.EndCycle desc) --系统时间大于最后生产时间+(3模*周期或周期小于90秒,则取90秒) 则停机 begin select @MaxUploadDate = max(updatetime) from MES_DataMain where ClientIP = @IPAddrif datediff(minute, isnull(@MaxUploadDate,getdate()), getdate())<2 and @MaxUploadDate is not null
and datediff(minute, @EndCycle, @MaxUploadDate)>2 begin update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='Normal', MES_COMQuality = 5 , ItemNO = @ItemNO , StopReason = '补数', MO = @MO, DispatchNo = @DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior ,MouldNO = @MouldNO , GoodQty = @proQty--dbo.FN_GetGoodQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO, '', @DispatchPrior,'','') where ClientIP=@IPAddr end else begin select top 1 @ReasonName=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then c.Lan_CN when 'en' then c.Lan_EN else '' end , @StopBegin= a.StartDate, @CardEmployee = dbo.FN_GetEmpNameByID(case when isnull(a.StartEmpID,'')<>'' then a.StartEmpID else a.StartCardID end ) from #t_StopCardDetail a join Sys_PubCode b on b.ModuleCode = 'All' and b.FieldName = 'FuncID' and a.CardType = b.FieldValue left join Sys_Language c on c.KeyName = b.KeyName WHERE a.ClientIP = @IPAddr order by a.ID desc set @StopTime1 = -1 if @ReasonName <> '' begin select top 1 @StopTime=datediff(MINUTE,@StopBegin, GETDATE()) end else begin select top 1 @StopTime=datediff(ss,case when abs(datediff(year,EndCycle,GETDATE()))>1 then GETDATE() else EndCycle end,getdate())/60.0 , @StopBegin = EndCycle from MES_DataMain where Clientip=@IPAddr order by EndCycle desc ---精确"未刷卡停机"停机时间扣减中间正常停机时间 add by wuchun 0505 --begin select @StopTime1 = datediff(ss,MAX(EndDate),GETDATE())/60.0 from V_CardDetail a WHERE a.Flag = 1 and ClientIP = @IPAddr if(@StopTime>@StopTime1 and @StopTime1>0) set @StopTime = @StopTime1 --end end update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='Stop' ,LiveCycle='0.00',GoodQty='0',BeginCycle='' , StopReason=case when @ReasonName = '' and StopReason = '' then @txt_Unknow when @ReasonName <> '' then @ReasonName else @txt_Unknow end , CardEmployee = @CardEmployee, StopBegin = @StopBegin , StopTime = dbo.Fn_GetMinuteToDH(isnull(@StopTime,0)) , MO = @MO, DispatchNo = @DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior ,MouldNO = @MouldNO where ClientIP=@IPAddr end end else begin if(((@Cycle>@MaxInjectionCycle) or (@Cycle<@MinInjectionCycle)) and @MOType = 1) -----在异常生产的 begin update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='AbNormal', MO = @MO, DispatchNo=@DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior , LiveCycle=@Cycle, GoodQty = @proQty --dbo.FN_GetGoodQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO, '', @DispatchPrior,'','') , BadQty = 0--dbo.FN_GetBadQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO,'', @DispatchPrior, '','') , BeginCycle = @BeginCycle, StopReason=@AbNormalProduct,MES_COMQuality = 5 , MouldNO = @MouldNO , ItemNO = @ItemNO where ClientIP=@IPAddr end else ----在正常生产的 begin update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='Normal', MO = @MO, DispatchNo = @DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior , LiveCycle=@Cycle, GoodQty = @proQty--dbo.FN_GetGoodQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO, '', @DispatchPrior,'','') , BadQty = 0--dbo.FN_GetBadQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO,'', @DispatchPrior, '','') , BeginCycle = @BeginCycle, StopReason= case when @MOType = 2 then @txt_SM else @RegularProduct end, MES_COMQuality = 5 , MouldNO = @MouldNO, ItemNO = @ItemNO where ClientIP=@IPAddr end end end else begin --print @IPAddr if exists(select top 1 clientIP from MES_DataMain a left join MES_Machine b on a.MachineNo = b.MachineNO left join MES_Process p on a.ProcCode = p.ProcCode where datediff(second,case when abs(datediff(year,a.EndCycle,GETDATE()))>1 then GETDATE() else a.EndCycle end,getdate()) <=case when isnull(@StandCycle,1)*3<90 then 90 else isnull(@StandCycle,1)*3 end and a.MO = @MO and a.DispatchNO =@DispatchNO and a.DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior and a.clientIP=@IPAddr order by a.EndCycle desc) --(系统时间-最好生产时间)小于(3模*周期或90秒) begin update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='NOOrder', DispatchNO = @DispatchNO, LiveCycle=@Cycle,GoodQty='0', BeginCycle=@BeginCycle, MES_COMQuality = 5 , StopReason = @txt_NOOrder where ClientIP=@IPAddr end else begin --print @IPAddr select @MaxUploadDate = max(updatetime) from MES_DataMain where ClientIP = @IPAddr if datediff(minute, isnull(@MaxUploadDate,getdate()), getdate())<2 and @MaxUploadDate is not null and datediff(minute, @EndCycle, @MaxUploadDate)>2 begin update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='Normal', MES_COMQuality = 5 ,MouldNO = @MouldNO, ItemNO = @ItemNO , StopReason = '补数', MO = @MO, DispatchNo = @DispatchNO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior , GoodQty = @proQty--dbo.FN_GetGoodQty(@MO, @DispatchNO, @ItemNO, '', @DispatchPrior,'','') where ClientIP=@IPAddrend
else begin select top 1 @ReasonName=case @in_Lan when 'zh_cn' then c.Lan_CN when 'en' then c.Lan_EN else '' end , @StopBegin= a.StartDate,@CardEmployee = isnull((select top 1 EmpNameCn from MES_Employee where ICCardID = a.StartCardID and state = 1),a.StartCardID) from #t_StopCardDetail a join Sys_PubCode b on b.ModuleCode = 'All' and b.FieldName = 'FuncID' and a.CardType = b.FieldValue left join Sys_Language c on c.KeyName = b.KeyName WHERE a.ClientIP = @IPAddr order by a.ID desc set @StopTime =-1 if @ReasonName <> '' begin select top 1 @StopTime=datediff(MINUTE,@StopBegin, GETDATE()) end else begin select top 1 @StopTime=datediff(ss,case when abs(datediff(year,EndCycle,GETDATE()))>1 then GETDATE() else EndCycle end,getdate())/60.0 , @StopBegin = EndCycle from MES_DataMain where Clientip=@IPAddr order by EndCycle desc ---精确"未刷卡停机"停机时间扣减中间正常停机时间 add by wuchun 0505 --begin select @StopTime1 = datediff(ss,MAX(EndDate),GETDATE())/60.0 from V_CardDetail a WHERE a.Flag = 1 and ClientIP = @IPAddr if(@StopTime>@StopTime1 and @StopTime1>0) set @StopTime = @StopTime1 --end end update #tempTable set DeviceStatus='Stop', DispatchNO = @DispatchNO, LiveCycle=@Cycle,GoodQty='0', BeginCycle=@BeginCycle, MES_COMQuality = 5 , StopReason = case when @ReasonName = '' and StopReason = '' then @txt_Unknow when @ReasonName <> '' then @ReasonName else @txt_Unknow end , StopBegin = @StopBegin , StopTime = dbo.Fn_GetMinuteToDH(isnull(@StopTime,0)), CardEmployee = @CardEmployee , MO = @MO, DispatchPrior = @DispatchPrior where ClientIP=@IPAddr end end endFETCH NEXT FROM cursor_outer INTO @IPAddr, @MES_COMQuality -- @DispatchOrder,@IPAddr,@EndCycleENDCLOSE cursor_outerDEALLOCATE cursor_outerdeclare @row_from int, @row_to int
declare @MachineTotal int if(@in_MachineState <> '' and @in_MachineState <> 'All')begin update #tempTable set BadQty =b.BadQty from (select isnull(sum(d.BadQty),0) BadQty,t.MachineNo from #tempTable t left join MES_QC q on t.DispatchNO=q.DispatchNO and t.DispatchPrior=q.DispatchPrior and q.ItemNO=t.ItemNO left join mes_qcdetail d on q.qcbillno=d.qcbillno left join Sys_PubCode sp on d.badreasonid=sp.FieldValue and fieldname='ddl_BadReason' where IsBad=1 and (@in_MachineState = '' or @in_MachineState = 'All' or DeviceStatus =@in_MachineState) and RowSeq between @row_from and @row_to group by RowSeq,t.MachineNo,t.DeviceStatus,t.WSCode,t.MO,t.DispatchNO,t.DispatchPrior,t.LiveCycle,t.GoodQty,t.ClientIP ,t.BeginCycle,StopReason,StopTime,t.MouldNO,t.ItemNO,MES_COMQuality,CardEmployee,StopBegin) b join #tempTable t on t.machineno=b.machineno select RowSeq = identity(int), MachineNo, DeviceStatus, WSCode, MO, DispatchNO, MouldNO ,DispatchPrior, LiveCycle --只更新当前页良品数 :优化性能add by wuchun on 2014/01/02 , GoodQty = case when DeviceStatus = 'Normal' or deviceStatus = 'abNormal' then GoodQty-BadQty else 0 end , BadQty, ClientIP, BeginCycle, StopReason , StopTime,ItemNO, CardEmployee, StopBegin , MES_COMQuality,RepairStatus into #Result from #tempTable where DeviceStatus =@in_MachineState order by RowSeqexecute st_MES_RS_Pages @out_total_rows, @in_pagesize, @in_page, @row_from output, @row_to output
select * from #Result where RowSeq between @row_from and @row_to order by RowSeq select @out_total_rows = count(*) from #Result select @MachineTotal = count(*) from #tempTableend else begin/* pages */
select @out_total_rows = count(*) from #tempTable set @MachineTotal = @out_total_rows if(@in_MachineState = '' or @in_MachineState = 'All') execute st_MES_RS_Pages @out_total_rows, @in_pagesize, @in_page, @row_from output, @row_to output else select @row_from = 0, @row_to = @out_total_rows update #tempTable set BadQty =b.BadQty from (select isnull(sum(d.BadQty),0) BadQty,t.MachineNo from #tempTable t left join MES_QC q on t.DispatchNO=q.DispatchNO and t.DispatchPrior=q.DispatchPrior and q.ItemNO=t.ItemNO left join mes_qcdetail d on q.qcbillno=d.qcbillno left join Sys_PubCode sp on d.badreasonid=sp.FieldValue and fieldname='ddl_BadReason' where IsBad=1 and (@in_MachineState = '' or @in_MachineState = 'All' or DeviceStatus =@in_MachineState) and RowSeq between @row_from and @row_to group by RowSeq,t.MachineNo,t.DeviceStatus,t.WSCode,t.MO,t.DispatchNO,t.DispatchPrior, t.LiveCycle,t.GoodQty,t.ClientIP ,t.BeginCycle,StopReason,StopTime,t.MouldNO,t.ItemNO,MES_COMQuality,CardEmployee,StopBegin) b join #tempTable t on t.machineno=b.machineno --只更新当前页良品数 :优化性能add by wuchun on 2014/01/02 update #tempTable set GoodQty = case when DeviceStatus = 'Normal' or deviceStatus = 'abNormal' then GoodQty-BadQty else 0 end where (@in_MachineState = '' or @in_MachineState = 'All' or DeviceStatus =@in_MachineState) and RowSeq between @row_from and @row_to select * from #tempTable where (@in_MachineState = '' or @in_MachineState = 'All' or DeviceStatus =@in_MachineState) and RowSeq between @row_from and @row_to order by RowSeqend select @Normal_Count =0, @abNormal_Count = 0, @Stop_Count = 0, @NONetWork_Count = 0, @NoOrder_count = 0 select @Normal_Count = case when DeviceStatus = 'Normal' then @Normal_Count + 1 else @Normal_Count end , @abNormal_Count = case when DeviceStatus = 'abNormal' then @abNormal_Count + 1 else @abNormal_Count end , @Stop_Count = case when DeviceStatus = 'Stop' then @Stop_Count + 1 else @Stop_Count end , @NoOrder_count = case when DeviceStatus = 'NoOrder' then @NoOrder_count + 1 else @NoOrder_count end , @NONetWork_Count = case when DeviceStatus = 'NONetWork' then @NONetWork_Count + 1 else @NONetWork_Count end from #tempTableselect TotalCount = isnull(@out_total_rows,0), NormalCount = @Normal_Count, abNormal_Count = @abNormal_Count, Stop_Count = @Stop_Count, NoOrder_count = @NoOrder_count, NONetWork_Count = @NONetWork_Count, MachineTotal = @MachineTotal drop table #tempTableset nocount offendGO